Saturday 1 March 2014

What's in my handbag?

This bag was £20 from New Look

  While still setting up my blog and trying to work out how everything works (which is very difficult for a technologically challenged person like myself) I was trying to think what I could post to get people interested.  I love looking at other people's 'what's in my handbag' posts and so decided to do one myself, so here we go!

   I carry this bubblegum flavoured lip scrub from Lush because it's great for getting rid of dry skin on your lips when on the go.  As you can tell I use my water bottles over and over again as this is a very worn one!  The last item here is a Juice Cube (£25 - PC world) which charges your phone when and about which is so useful when your phone has a terrible battery life like mine!

   My inner clean freak is shown here with some Carex hand sanitiser which I use far too much and my childish side is also shown with a little snack pot of raisins (who doesn't miss those days though?!)


This is my glasses case which is from Cath Kidston, which I really need to start using instead of just throwing my glasses into my bag!  And then these are my keys which I only really use to collect my post and for my clubcard when food shopping - I got my sparkly 'S' keyring two years ago and it's looking a little worse for wear now! 

I was wondering where my inhaler had gone so a good thing I emptied my bag and found it!  I only have very mild asthma but I think it's sensible to carry it with me just in case!  This is my Mark Hill hair comb (£3.69 - Boots) which is perfect for detangling long hair without snagging or damaging it.  I also found a random packet of sugar in the bottom of my bag which I must have picked up on my last visit to Pret; typical example of handbag clutter!

   I always try to carry a hair band with me in case I need one!  This is a tiny pot of hand cream I got for donating a pound to charity in Lush, but is very good for the odd application to dry hands when on the go! Finally, I always try to carry a spare pair of contact lenses with me, just in case I enter in to some crisis where I may need them (now I think of it I have no idea why these are in my handbag!)

   'Recipe for Love' by Katie Fforde is the book I'm reading at the moment which I have in my bag because I was reading it on the train.  My purse is from Cath Kidston (yes, I know it's the same design as my glasses case!) which I love because it's the perfect size.  The tablets and '4head' cream are both very boring, and just because I've been suffering from a lot of migraines recently - not interesting at all!

Why I have just an umbrella case in my handbag I have no idea - what I really want to know is where the umbrella is! The top right picture is my keycard for my uni flat, with a nice glittery keyring to cheer it up a bit.  And last but not least is my make up bag, which is the perfect size for keeping all my necessities in!

  Well, there we have it! I hope you have enjoyed going through the items in my handbag - what necessities do you keep in yours? Or is it just full of clutter?
Much love  

Friday 28 February 2014

Colourful nails

  It may still be Winter but right now I am loving brightly coloured nails.  What better way to cheer up a dreary February afternoon than some bright and colourful nails?! My current fave nail varnishes are all Barry M - they have some great colours and stay on for a good few days without chipping, as well as not being too hard on the wallet!  

Missing home

  It's funny how moving away from somewhere can make you appreciate it so much more on return.  Spending your life in one place can gradually cause you to stop noticing its beauty and enjoying the small things in life.  I took this picture last weekend on a visit home from uni which I love purely because I was so happy to be home and back in the country! Funny how one picture can conjure up so much happy emotion.